ICEMC 2018 has been held successfully in Tibet Hotel, Chengdu, China from May 21-23, 2018. We want to express our gratitude to all the technical committee members, and some of the external reviewers for their hard work in reviewing submissions. Conference Chairs,
Program Chairs and all participants have also helped us in many ways, for which we are grateful. We also thank the keynote speaker
Prof. Luiz Moutinho from University of Suffolk, England, Prof.
Yixun Shi from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA and Prof.
Su-Fen Yang from National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan for sharing their insights with us. The paper submission and reviewing process was managed using the EasyChair system. Finally, the conference would not be possible without the excellent papers contributed by authors. We thank all the authors for their contributions and their participation in ICEMC 2018!
Conference Publication Information as below: